Overall Volume: An estimate of the respondent's monthly overall volume of alcohol consumption based on his frequencies of drinking beer, wine, and liquor and his frequencies of drinking various quantities per sitting.
     Top 10% Overall volumes that fell in the top ten percentiles of the volume distribution.  Percentiles are based on the subsample of married, current drinkers used in this analysis and, therefore, exclude abstainers.
     Next 15% Volumes that fell between the 76th and the 90th percentiles.
     Next 25% Volumes that fell between the 51st and the 75th percentiles.
     Bottom 50% Volumes that fell between the 1st and the 50th percentiles.
Current Intake Scale: A summary scale of the frequency of drinking relatvely high quantities in a sitting.
     Score 3 Rs who drink 12 or more drinks at one time at least once a week or who drink 8-11 drinks per drinking occasion nearly every day.
     Score 2 Rs who drink 12 or more drinks at one time 1-3 times per month, or who drink 8-11 drinks 1-3 times per week, or who drink 5-7 drinks at least 4 times a week.
     Score 1 Rs who drink 8-11 drinks at one time 1-3 times per month, or who drink 5-7 drinks 1-3 times per week, or who get "high or tight" at least once a month.
     Score 0 All other Rs.
Frequency High or Tight: The respondent's self-report of the frequency he "drinks enough to get high or tight."
     2-3 times/month Rs who usually "get high or tight" at least 2 or 3 times per month or more often.
     Once/month Rs who usually "get high or tight" about once a month. 
     At least once/year Rs who usually "get high or tight" less than once a month but at least once a year.
     Less than once/year Rs who "get high or tight" less than once a year.
     All others All other Rs.
Mean Quantity Per Sitting: The Overall Volume divided by the monthly frequency of drinking.
     4+/occasion A mean of 3.5 or more drinks per occasion.
     3/occasion A mean of 2.5 to 3.49 drinks per occasion.
     All others All other Rs.
Highest Frequency: The respondent's frequency of drinking the beverage type (beer, wine, or liquor) he drinks most frequently.
     2-3 times/day Rs who drink 2 or 3 times a day or more often.
     Once/day Rs who drink once a day.
     3-6 times/week Rs who drink 3-6 times a week.
     1-2 times/week Rs who drink once or twice a week.
     All others All other Rs.