Table Al presents both series' estimates for the overlapping 1850-1900 period. Individual beverage and total ethanol estimates for the three years for which direct comparisons can be made -- 1850, 1860, and 1970 -- are italicized. The comparison shows that AEDS's total-ethanol estimates run somewhat higher than Rorabaugh's estimates over this 20-year period: AEDS's total-ethanol figures for 1850, 1860, and 1870 are, respectively, 14%, 20%, and 9% higher than Rorabaugh's (if the typo for wine in 1850 were not present in the AEDS figures, the first percentage figure would be 17% instead of 14%). Inspection of the estimates for the beverage classes shows that the differences between the two series (disregarding the typo) are due primarily to differences in distilled spirits estimates. AEDS's distilled spirits figures are consistently higher than Rorabaugh's: 18% higher in 1850; 27% higher in 1860; and 9% higher in 1870.